

Training Clicker, perfect for all levels of training. The clicker is designed to fit neatly and comfortably into your hand, and deliver a clear and concise sound.
Only White Clickers available with Key Ring.

SKU: bbm-clicker Categories: , Tag:



Get your parrot used to the clicker by clicking and then immediately giving them a treat. Repeat this several times until they associate the click with a reward.
Once your parrot is accustomed to the sound of the clicker, begin using it during training sessions. Click the clicker to mark the behaviour you want to reinforce and then give your parrot a treat.
Be consistent with the use of the clicker. Click at the exact moment your parrot performs the desired behaviour.
Use the clicker to shape your parrot’s behavior, incrementally rewarding them for getting closer and closer to the desired behaviour.
Consider using a target stick alongside the clicker, as they can be effective tools for shaping parrot behaviour.
Remember to keep training sessions positive and fun for your parrot, and to always follow-up with a reward after a click.

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White, White with Key Chain, Black, Pink, Purple, Yellow, Red


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